Muscular Dystrophy, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, and Management

Treatments of Muscular Dystrophy

Treatments of Muscular Dystrophy

Due to advances in medical science, even the rarest disease can become easy to treat. The disease that had no cure in the past is now curable. People with muscular dystrophy in the 21st century can live longer than in previous decades. Although some conditions of this disease are still life-threatening, many treatments are helping to manage the condition. The treatment of muscular dystrophy requires proper care and coordination: the available treatment and help to maintain muscles’ functioning. There are multiple surgical and non-surgical treatments available nowadays that can help with this condition.


There are multiple meditations given to the patient of muscular dystrophy. Some of them include

Corticosteroid medications – The people with muscular dystrophy, are provided corticoid steroid medications, which have been shown to improve muscle strength and function from 6 months to 2 years. These steroids have also been shown to reduce the process of muscle weakness. Corticosteroid medications are available in the form of a tablet or liquid. Current research has shown them to be effective if taken daily. Long term use of these steroids is linked with some side effects, including weight gain and excessive hair growth. Osteoporosis, behavioral changes, vertebral compression fracture, and some other side effects have also been observed in people who are on corticosteroids for a long time.

Glucocorticoid treatment has also shown to improve survival. Glucocorticoids reduce the need for surgery to correct scoliosis in patients and delay its development. The need for spine surgery has seen to decrease in patients who are treated with deflazacort.