Muscular Dystrophy, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Treatment, and Management



Currently, there is no treatment available to reverse any form of muscular dystrophy. However, there are several therapies followed to treat problems. These therapies can be performed at home, at the clinic, and in other locations too.

  • Physical therapy –The purpose of physical therapy is to keep muscles flexible and strong. Different stretching exercises are recommended to the patient—physical therapists work to reduce the joint contractures in children to maintain muscle strata and improve cardio respiration. The child is encouraged to do more physical activates.
  • Respiratory Therapy –The people with muscular dystrophy can suffer respiratory issues due to weakness in the muscles. The person with less respiratory strength can have difficulty in coughing and can acquire infection leading to pneumonia. Assisted ventilation is required for many MD patients.
  • Speech therapy –Speech therapy is provided to patients with facial and throat muscle weakness. Learning to slow the pace of speech by doing pauses between breaths can be beneficial for them. Special communication equipment can also be used.
  • Occupational therapy –Occupational therapy teaches patients to use assistant devices like a wheelchair. It helps patients to relearn movements and abilities.