Scoliosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Exercises, Treatment and Management

Surgical treatment For adults

Surgical treatment For adults

In scoliosis, the surgeon chooses an operation depending upon the condition of the spine. Sometimes more than one surgery is required to attain satisfactory results. The surgeon explains the pros and cons and the condition of the operation to the patient, and then it’s up to the patient to make an informed decision with guidance. There are various surgical options for paint with scoliosis, including

Posterior approach

The posterior approach is one of the most applicable procedures for a significant number of patients with scoliosis. This procedure involves the implantation of two metals to correct the abnormal curvature. More than two rods can also be required depending upon the condition. The rods are anchored with the help of hooks, screws, and wires. A posterior approach is required in patients with more than one curve or if the curve is linked with kyphosis. The spinal procedure assists in welding the bone-grafts and vertebral of the spinal column into a solid mass.

Anterior-posterior approach

This operation is performed in patients with severe stiff curves and immature skeletal structure to prevent crankshaft phenomena. If there are two severe spinal curves, a double anterior-posterior surgery is required. The surgery lasts from 6 to 10 hours. Anterior procedure is performed to treat lumbar curves and is performed through the patient’s side to access the front of the spine. The average hospital stay after surgery is between 5 to 7 days.