Scoliosis: Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Exercises, Treatment and Management

Latissimus dorsi stretch

Latissimus dorsi stretch

People can stretch the largest muscle in the upper body with this stretch. This exercise is good for both thoracic scoliosis, and lumbar scoliosis as lumbar scoliosis can cause back tension, which extends up to latissimus dorsi, while thoracic scoliosis directly affects the muscles. Doing a latissimus dorsi stretch is simple and as follows

Stand in a natural position with proper posture

Please do not join the feet; keep them slightly apart and knees slightly bent

Raise both arms and grab the right wrist with the left hand.

Bend slightly to the right side until you feel stretch on the left side of the body

Stay in that position for 2 seconds and then bend towards the left side until you feel starch on the right side and return to the original position.

Repeat the process on both sides a few times.