Sleep Apnea (Overview , Symptoms , Causes , Risk Factors , Types , Diagnosis , Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Top 20 Home Remedies For Sleep Apnea

The home remedies are better to use in order to control the condition of sleep apnea naturally at home. Some of the home remedies might be uncomfortable for some people, but they have no side effects. Here are the 20 home remedies for controlling and treating the symptoms of sleep apnea:

Try Yoga:

Yoga is a very good physical activity which specifically works on improving the respiration. You can focus on your breathing pattern by sitting in a quiet room, and this helps in strengthening the respiratory system by encouraging the oxygen flow in the blood. As in the case of sleep apnea, the patient suffers from the lower oxygen saturation in the blood, but yoga helps in this situation by improving the levels of oxygen in the blood. The various breathing exercises elevate the oxygen level in the blood and thus improves the supply of oxygen in the blood. As a result of doing frequent yoga exercises, the sleep interruptions reduce with the passage of time.