Cystic Fibrosis, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, and Management

Lung function test

Lung function test

Lung function tests are performed to check the ability of lungs to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. A special machine is used in which a person must breathe. There are two types of pulmonary function tests, including

Spirometer- This is a device called a spirometer used by a physician to assess the lung function. It is the simplest procedure to evaluate the functioning of the lungs. The test helps to determine

The presence of any lung disease

To check the ability of lung in receiving, holding and utilizing air

To monitor the effectiveness of the treatment

To determine the severity of lung disease

To identify if the lung disease is restricting the airflow

Diffusion capacity- Air sacs allow oxygen to diffuse across the interstitium into the blood. The tests identify the ability of air sacs of lungs to diffuse oxygen.