Cystic Fibrosis, Overview, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, Complications, Prevention, and Management

How to prevent cystic fibrosis?

How to prevent cystic fibrosis?

Therefore, as this disease is a genetic disorder, it cannot be transferred from one person, and secondly, if someone has acquired this disease due to flat in their gene, it is impossible to avoid it or prevent it. However, the following methods should be adopted to avoid any lung infection if you have the disease. The people who have a member of a family with this disease should do genetic testing. The following are some of the methods that can be adopted either prevent the condition from occurring in their offspring or to avoid any lung infection.

Genetic testing  

Genetic testing is used to find if the person has a carrier mutation of the CTFR gene. In this test, the DNA of a person is taken from the cells in the blood, or the cells are scraped from the mouth. The testing is usually performed the couple with cystic fibrosis or on the people who have relatives with the disease. Genetic testing helps to find out if the new child is at the risk of cystic fibrosis. These tests also help determine if both parents of a single parent are a carrier of the faulty gene. The test can also be performed when the female is pregnant.