Stomach Cancer : Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Survival Rate, Cure and Treatment

The TNM Staging System

The TNM staging system
The TNM staging system

The TNM system is used by most doctors for determining the stage of cancer. The “T” stands for tumor, the “N” stands for lymph nodes and “M” stands for the metastatic situation of cancer.

  • TX: The primary tumor cannot be measured.
  • T1, T2, T3, and T4: this describes the extent and measure the size of the tumor. The higher the degree the greater the tumor.
  • T0: No tumor is found in the linings, but there are no cancerous cells.
  • NX: the extent of cancer spread in the lymph nodes can’t be measured.
  • N1: the cancer has invaded nearby lymph node the higher the degree the more lymph has been invaded by the cancer.
  • N0: the cancer hasn’t invaded the nearby lymph nodes.
  • MX: this stage indicates that the extent of cancer spread is not detected.
  • M1: this stage indicates that the cancer has reached other parts of the body.
  • M0: this shows that the cancer hasn’t spread to the distant part of the body.