Stomach Cancer : Symptoms, Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, Survival Rate, Cure and Treatment

Survival Rates among Stomach Cancer

Survival rates among stomach cancer
Survival rates among stomach cancer

Stomach cancer is very difficult to treat and the overall survival rates are low. Stomach cancer is 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths. With the increase in the technology and knowledge, no doubt the treatment has become easier, but nothing yet has been discovered to guarantee a full recovery from such cancers. [7]

The survival rates from stomach cancer depend on the following factors:


Increasing age not only increases the risk of cancer, but it also makes the recovery difficult. Increased age slows down the immune system of the body and it is very difficult to tolerate the treatments to remove cancer. Often times, certain treatments are not performed due to the elderly age of the patient, for example surgery. With the increase in age, the survival rate decreases by 5 years. With the help of research and advanced medication doctors have concluded that the infection of H. Pylori bacteria have decreased among youngsters. Due to late diagnosis of this cancer, the overall survival rate is 23%.