Stroke: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Risk Factors,Life Expectancy, Types, Prevention ,Treatment & More

Other tests

Other tests
Other tests
  • ECG: An Electrocardiogram is done to assess the heart condition of the stroke patient. It can help rule out atrial fibrillation, which can also present with some similar clinical signs. An electrocardiogram uses electrodes to map out electrical conduction in the heart. It is an efficient technique to measure heartbeats and detect any possible abnormality in conduction pathways.
  • Carotid ultrasound: this method uses sound waves to assess the health of the carotid arteries that lie in the neck and relay blood to the brain. Thickening of the vessel walls or a clot can be efficiently visualized.
  • Angiograms: the physician may put a dye in your blood to detect any abnormality in the blood vessels of the brain and neck. It helps identify blockage or dilated vessels.

Echocardiograms: it is the imaging technique for the heart. It helps visualize the possibility of a thrombus formation in the heart that could have displaced to the blood vessels in the brain and cause stroke.