High cholesterol (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Causes , Foods To Eat , Foods To Avoid,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

15 foods to eat to regulate high cholesterol levels

Changing the pattern of your eating habits can significantly help you to improve the condition of high cholesterol and also reduce the symptoms coming with it.  Addition of foods that help in lowering LDL cholesterol is significant for improving your condition of hypercholesteremia. Try to formulate a cholesterol-free and fat-free diet to attain best results. Also, the incorporation of HDL promoting foods can balance the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood, thus preventing the risk of heart diseases, hypertension, and strokes.

There is a variety of foods that can control the amount of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. Some nutritionists recommend higher amounts of dietary fibers that help in the removal of cholesterol by binding with them. On the other hand, some recommend polyunsaturated fats that directly help in lowering the production of LDL cholesterol and promote the production of HDL cholesterol in the body. Following are the fifteen food choices for the people trying to control the increasing LDL cholesterol levels in their blood:


Like other whole grains, barley also has many heart-healthy nutrients in it. The amount of soluble dietary fibres in barley reduces the amount of bad LDL cholesterol from the body. The soluble fiber coming from barley mainly binds with the cholesterol and thus starts the excretion of this excess cholesterol from the body along with it. Eating a sufficient amount of barley per week as your breakfast cereal can help you lower the shooting cholesterol in your body.