High cholesterol (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Causes , Foods To Eat , Foods To Avoid,Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

10 High Cholesterol Symptoms

The people suffering from high cholesterol or hypercholesterolemia does not have any typical symptoms, and they are living with this condition without knowing. People register their condition of high cholesterol only when they go for a blood sample analysis. While in severe conditions, some people notice high levels of cholesterol in their blood when they get other health disorders like heart diseases. The disorders for which high cholesterol levels are risk factors have visible and apparent symptoms, and these symptoms suggest the presence of high cholesterol levels in the blood.

As the high cholesterol in the body does not show any apparent symptoms. Still, these high cholesterol levels manifest their symptoms in the body after there is plaque formation in the arteries. The formation of plaques in the walls of the arteries causing narrowing of arteries so that there is less blood flow through them. Following are some symptoms of having high cholesterol levels in your blood:

Yellow lesions or growths on the skin:

The high cholesterol levels in the arteries leading to the accumulation of fats in the form of vesicles. These cysts might be on any part of the body, but they are more visible on the skin, causing the formation of lesions or growths. These lesions or growths are soft upon touching and are mostly yellow due to the presence of cholesterol in them. The yellow growths or lesions are medically known as xanthomas. The formation of xanthomas indicates the presence of a mutation in genes in that individual, which causes the imbalance of cholesterol levels in the body.