What Is Colon Cancer? Every Thing You Need To Know Here

Colon Cancer Causes

Colon Cancer Causes
Colon Cancer Causes

The doctors are still unable to find the root cause of colon cancer. The DNA controls the replication of cells but, in this case the DNA is mutated the cells starts to grow aimlessly. New cells start appear at a faster rate than to replace the old cells. This affects the normal functioning of the body. Genetic factors, as well as environmental factors can be traced as causative agents for colon cancer. Colon cancer due to genetic mutations is very rare, but there are certain mutations that can lead to colon cancer.


Familial adenomatous polyposis is a rare genetic syndrome, which, can lead to cancer. The syndrome triggers the development of polyps in the body which can ultimately mutate to become cancer. No cure yet has been discovered for treating this syndrome.