What Is Colon Cancer? Every Thing You Need To Know Here

Screening tests for colon cancer

Screening tests for colon cancer
Screening tests for colon cancer

Screening tests are a very meaningful approach to screen the at-risk population of any disease. Fortunately, cancer screening tests have a very good sensitivity. Most physicians advise their patients to get a regular colon cancer screening tests after a certain age. It is mostly recommended after the age of 45. It is to be noted that these tests are advised as a foresight into the general colon health. The patients may not be having any symptoms at all, related to colon cancer. These are called average risk patients. Average-risk patients also do not have a family history or personal history of cancer or colon ailment. However, in patients who do have other factors which increase their risk of developing colon cancer, may be advised to get screening tests even earlier than the 45-year mark. Some of these risk factors include:

  • Family history of colon cancer: colon cancer screening is advised in people who have a blood relative with colon cancer. In this case, screening age takes into account the earliest age of diagnosis in the family. The physician may then advise to get screened at least 10 years before the age of earliest diagnosis in the family.
  • Patients suffering from other diseases of the bowel like inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis: in this case, it is advised to consult the doctor for colon cancer screening.
  • Being African-American: significantly increases chances of colon cancer. To avoid that, screening tests are recommended to start no later than 45 years of age.
  • Having other genetic diseases: in people suffering from Familial adenomatous polyposis and lynch syndrome, colon cancer screening is advised as early as in their twenties.
  • Having had radiation exposure to the abdomen-pelvic region: such patients as having undergone radiation exposure for diagnosis or treatment of any condition in the abdomen or pelvic region should get colon cancer screening after 5 years of exposure.