What Is Colon Cancer? Every Thing You Need To Know Here

What Exams and Test, Diagnose Colon Cancer?

What exams and test, diagnose colon cancer?
What exams and test, diagnose colon cancer?

Timely diagnosis plays a vital role in treating and curing of colon cancer. If the screening comes out to be unhealthy or the patient is showing symptoms of colon cancer the doctor will advise him to take some test in order to confirm colon cancer.

Physical exam

In this exam the doctor will ask the patient some simple questions about his health. The doctors will ask about common symptoms the patient is experiencing such as abdominal pain, bloody stool and intestinal obstruction and how long it has been since he has been experiencing these symptoms. The doctors will also inquire about the patient’s family history with colon cancer. If a family member of the patient was diagnosed with colon cancer, the patient risk of colon cancer increases. The doctor will also try to feel the abdomen and check for organ size. If the organs seem enlarged the doctors will suggest further test.