What Is Colon Cancer? Every Thing You Need To Know Here



If the cancer has spread through the nearby area and invaded nearby lymph nodes a part or entire colon is removed to prevent the further spreading of the colon. There are two types colectomy

  • Open colectomy:

A large incision is made in the abdomen.

  • Laparoscopic assisted colectomy:

This surgery is performed with the help of laparoscope, which is thin and flexible tube with a camera and small bulb attached to it. A small cut is made in the abdomen for the laparoscope to enter the colon. A laparoscopic assisted colectomy is favored over open colectomy because the patient can easily recover from it especially when performed on the elderly.

Partial colectomy

In this surgery, a small portion of the colon is removed in addition to nearby lymph nodes and surrounding healthy tissues. The remaining colon is reattached so in order for the waste to leave your body.

Total colectomy

In this type of surgery, the colon is completely removed from the body and the small intestine is connected to the rectum. But this type of surgery is not usually performed for the treatment of colon cancer.

Side effects of surgery

The side effects of surgery depend on the general health of the patient and the extent of the surgery.

  • Pain
  • Scar tissue
  • Leakage where the intestine is reconnected.
  • Hernia