Anxiety : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Medications, Treatment, Prevention, Home Remedies

Family history

Family history
Family history

Family history is very significant in making an anxiety diagnosis. It plays two types of role in this regard.

The hereditary role of anxiety, passing down the generations stand undisputed. The responsible gene mutations may be inherited by birth. It may also have variable expression in some individuals, while it may spare other children of the family. Evidently, anxiety is a result of interaction of genes and environment.

The family also forms the environment, shaping the mind since childhood. The impact of family on personal development does not diminish even in later years of life. The manner in which the closed ones react to one’s emotional and physical crisis also shapes the personal attitude towards the crisis. Neglecting anxiety in children, or reprimanding adolescents for their emotional turmoil serves no good and may lead to anxiety disorders.