What Are Carbohydrates? Benefits, Functions, Best Sources, Low-Carb Diets, High Carb Diets and More



Beets are a purple tuber vegetable that people often refer to as beetroots. While they do not consider as rich in carbs overall, they do contain a lot for a non-starchy vegetable. Raw and prepared beets consist of almost 10 grams of carbs per 100 grams, mainly from fiber and sugar. They also contain vitamins and minerals, along with boosting plant antioxidants and plant compounds. Beets are also rich in inorganic and nitrate, which converts into nitric oxide in your body.

Nitric oxide decreases blood pressure and may lower the risk of various diseases. Beet juice is also very rich in nitrates, and athletes often utilize it to improve their physical activity. That’s because nitric oxide calms your blood vessels, letting oxygen flow more beneficially during physical exercise. Beets consist of various minerals, vitamins, and plant compounds. They also consist of rich amounts of inorganic nitrates, which can enhance heart health and empower physical activities.