Human papillomavirus (HPV) : Definition, Symptoms ( man & Women ), Causes, Types, HPV Vaccine Advantages & Disadvantages, Treatment & Prevention

Infectious diseases spread by bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungal agents. Among these, the most dreadful and hard to eradicate are viral infections.  Human papilloma virus is one such infection, which is the most common sexually transmitted disease, affecting superficial layers of skin in the mouth, throat, or genital area.

How Does It Cause Disease?

How does it cause disease?
How does it cause disease?

After being transmitted from an infected individual, this virus attacks the superficial skin and mucosal layers. Within the flat epidermal cells, the viral replicates, and with its replication, it causes the host’s cells to undergo rapid divisions as well. The host’s cells come in a hyper-proliferative phase, and can then, form benign harmless protrusions on the skin. These bumpy protrusions are called warts, and are a characteristic lesion of human papilloma virus.