Human papillomavirus (HPV) : Definition, Symptoms ( man & Women ), Causes, Types, HPV Vaccine Advantages & Disadvantages, Treatment & Prevention

HPV Complications In Women

 Complications in women
Complications in women

Genital warts and pregnancy

Genital warts, though a painful benign condition, can create complications in pregnancy. Some of the complications it can cause are:

  • The latent virus can become active and cause wart formation in the area
  • Warts can proliferate in number and size
  • The vaginal warts may rupture during the birth and lead to bleeding
  • The enlarged warts in the area may make it difficult to urinate
  • The warts on the skin may hamper the contractions and relaxations at the time of childbirth
  • There is a risk of newborn getting infected because of contact with the warts. It usually results in warts in the throat of the baby.