All Thing You Want To Know About Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain Treatment

Over the counter pain medications

There are many treatment options available for the cure of low back pain that the patient can customize according to his individual desires. Some of the most commonly occurring options include medicinal remedies, surgical procedure, care administration at home, and alternative care. The treatment might also depend on the diagnosis of the patient and some treatments might be more effective than others. For majority of the people a combination of treatments works best. Following are some of the treatment options for low back pain:

Over the counter pain medications

The most common over the counter pain medications are acetaminophen, naproxen, aspirin and ibuprofen. The OTC medications are anti-inflammatory which alleviate the symptoms of low back pain. The pain medication interferes with the signal transduction by the central nervous system to interfere with the pain signals. The medications also reduce the swelling of nerves and muscles in the back area.