All Thing You Want To Know About Low Back Pain

Best stretches for low back pain

Knee to chest stretch

Physical activity and physical therapy is typically a part of managing low back pain. There are some exercises in the physical therapy regimen that rehabilitate the spine. Stretching is a physical therapy from which almost everyone can get benefit. Stretching stimulates the muscles in the hips, buttocks and legs. The muscle in the lower back supports the weight of upper body and the stimulation by stretching makes them more mobile. The stretching exercises must range from 20 seconds to 1 minute and if it causes pain you must immediately stop. Following are the quick and effective moves for reducing back pain:

Knee to chest stretch

This stretch helps in relaxing the thighs, hips and glutes while improving overall relaxation of the muscles. One must lie on his back by bending both of his knees and keep the feet flat on the floor. Draw right knee in to the chest and clasp the hands at the top of shinbone. By lengthening the spine all the way to the tailbone and holding the position for one to three minutes helps in releasing the tension and muscles. Try to breathe deeply and repeat by the other leg.