Vitamin D : Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Normal Level, Dosage, Sources ( Top Vitamin D Foods – Top Vitamin D Fruits – Top Vitamin D Vegetables)

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Anti-Inflammatory Effects
Anti-Inflammatory Effects

Several types of research have found a positive connection between allergies and vitamin D. Vitamin D reveals to aid in the regulation of certain immune system cells, to lower inflammation. In particular, asthma, atopy, and eczema have all been linked with low vitamin D levels. In addition to critical function of vitamin D in calcium homeostasis, the anti-inflammatory effects are revealing.  The miraculous health benefits of vitamin D include the prevention of cancer by stopping the action of pro-inflammatory cells.

One study determines that vitamin D supplementation during the pregnancy resulted in a minimum risk of asthma and recurrent wheeze in the babies. Despite the research findings, it is still up for discussion as to whether vitamin D supplementation should be suggested to aid in preventing or curing these conditions. Vitamin D functions in the modulation of immune system through the production of inflammatory cytokines.