Vitamin D : Function, Benefits, Deficiency, Normal Level, Dosage, Sources ( Top Vitamin D Foods – Top Vitamin D Fruits – Top Vitamin D Vegetables)

Vitamin D source

Vitamin D source
Vitamin D source

Getting sufficient vitamin D content from natural food sources is difficult. For a lot of people, taking vitamin D foods with fortifications and exposing themselves adequately to sunlight is also very important to maintain a healthy vitamin D status.  Vitamin D2 type of vitamin D also chemically known as ergocalciferol largely comes from man-made supplements, while vitamin d3 also known as cholecalciferol synthesizes naturally in the skin cells of human body. A variety of foods are naturally comprising of vitamin D, some of these either have vitamin D2 while others have vitamin D3. The precursor for vitamin D3 comes from the intake of animal sources of food.