Insomnia (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Complication, Causes , Risk factors, Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Types Of Insomnia

Insomnia categorizes into many types depending upon the reasons you are getting sleepless nights. A new mother who is taking care of an infant also finds it difficult to sleep peacefully. Because of the restlessness, she couldn’t sleep even if she wants to. The struggle of getting a peaceful sleep by turning and tossing through the long nights is also a type of insomnia that you might be facing. All those sleepless nights make a person go crazy and overwhelmed. Following are the types of insomnia:

Primary insomnia

Primary insomnia can happen to anyone from any age group, and it means that the person is not suffering from any health disorder linking with insomnia. A person feels difficulty in falling asleep and mostly stays awake during the night time.