Insomnia (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Complication, Causes , Risk factors, Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Sleep and aging

With the growing age, the risks and chances of insomnia increases in older adults. The sleep becomes less refreshing and restless in older adults and the elderly. Any little disturbance like some noise or movement wakes up the old aged people. The internal clock advances with advancing age and makes the person tired in the earlier time of the evenings. The older adults also wake up early in the morning in comparison to the younger people. Growing age makes you less active socially and physically. The lack of physical activity interferes in getting a night of sound sleep at night time. Taking naps at the day time also makes the person less sleepy at night time.

Moreover, the health problems coming with advancing age like chronic back pain, arthritis, depression, and diabetes interfere with the sleep cycle. Issues related to older age increases the risks of getting restless legs syndrome, periodic limb movement disorder, and other sleep-related disorders. The older adults feel the more urge to urinate more often during sleep.  The reason behind using the bathroom more frequently can be prostate cancer and some bladder problems that eventually disturb the sleep, and sometimes you are not able to fall asleep back. Moreover, older adults are continuously using prescribed drugs day and night for their health problems, which also increases their chances of getting insomnia.