Insomnia (Overview, Signs ,Symptoms, Types , Complication, Causes , Risk factors, Diagnosis, Home Remedies , Treatment and Prevention)

Magnesium intake

Magnesium is an essential micro-nutrient and performs many functions in the body. Magnesium helps in muscle relaxation and aids in relieving stress. A research study on some people with acute insomnia shows that taking 500 milligrams of magnesium daily improves the symptoms and condition of insomnia and helps in improving the quality of sleep. For men, the recommended dose is 400 milligrams per day, while for women, it is 300 milligrams per day. You can efficiently divide your dose throughout the day and avoid taking all of the magnesium supplements at one time.

Try to avoid taking the supplements frequently instead try to take breaks for a few days or weeks. You can also use the magnesium flakes in your bathing water to allow the absorption of the mineral through the skin. Some people might get side effects from the constant use of magnesium, which include mostly the digestive problems.  To avoid this issue, you can also try to cut down the dose and take it with your meal.