Tinnitus : Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Types, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment, Home Remedies & Prevention

Impact on social life

Impact on social life
Impact on social life

Tinnitus can also seriously hamper new developments in life and also make it hard to maintain the old ones. An extensive survey conducted on this topic, records the responses of both, tinnitus patients, and their partners. Tinnitus patients may be reluctant to talk about their condition. It can also be hard for the partners to manage with the patients’ mood swings. Attention deficit can also take a toll on relationships. Lack of support from and towards either partner, and lack of knowledge in the management of tinnitus is a significant side-effect of tinnitus Apart from relationships, social life in term of participation in social events is also compromised. Patients also complain of the recreational activities being limited in fear of triggering tinnitus.