Constipation (Overview, Home Remedies, Foods That Cause Constipation, Foods That Relieve Constipation, Symptoms, and Causes)

10 Causes Of Constipation

Constipation is a common problem among most of the population. Not only older adults, but young people also suffer from the problems of constipation. The main reason behind the development of constipation is a sedentary lifestyle, eating fast food or fried food, having less fibre in the diet. The other culprits in causing constipation might be certain medications and supplements that we are taking to achieve a healthy body. However, the recurrence of constipation is may be due to the consistency of these lousy lifestyle habits, which leads to serious medical complications like haemorrhoids, anal fissures, and rectal prolapse.

Recent studies reveal several hidden factors that play their role in causing gut problems and leading to constipation. Some of the well-known causes are listed down below:


Hypothyroidism is a type of metabolic disorder in which the body does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The reason is that the thyroid gland is either working slowly or is not working properly to supply enough of the thyroid hormones. The thyroid hormones control the metabolism of the whole body. So when there is a shortage of the metabolism-regulating hormone, the functions of the digestive system face impairments. Not every person with hypothyroidism develops the condition of constipation, but most of the young people having recurring constipation might have low levels of their thyroid hormones.