Constipation (Overview, Home Remedies, Foods That Cause Constipation, Foods That Relieve Constipation, Symptoms, and Causes)


Apples are again a great source of fiber and provide us with a good amount of pectin, which works as a natural laxative in the body. A small apple gives almost 3 grams of fiber, which is a mix of both soluble and insoluble fiber. The fiber in the apple passes without digestion and gives the bulk to the stool in your intestines and eases the stagnant stool to pass out. Moreover, the pectin acting as stimulant laxative creates regularity in the bowel movements. The apple fruit with it’s a peel on is more effective as the pectin, and most of the fibers are present in the peel. With the peel off, the apple has only 1 gram of fiber in it.